Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today is Bee's 3rd birthday. It's such a cliche to say that time flies but it really does.

Three years ago today, at 5:12pm, I was being delivered of a tiny bundle that would change our life. Bee had a difficult start: SCBU, feeding problems, breathing problems and even when we got her home she was still in and out of hospital with illness. She missed milestones and we despaired, confused doctors with her undiagnosed problems and still managed to melt everyone she met with her constant smile, curly hair and big brown eyes.

Two years ago today we were throwing a big party in honour of that first difficult year coming to a close. We had answers and medical interventions and life was finally becoming slightly easier. Bee couldn't sit unaided, much less toddle about like others her age but she still tackled every challenge thrown at her with aplomb.

One year ago tomorrow Bee was crawling, making sounds that sounded suspiciously like the beginnings of words and understanding more and more of what was going on around her.

Now, as she's turning 3, Bee has a vocabulary of over 30 words, is flying on her walker and has impeccable manners. She charms everyone she meets and grows in confidence every single day. We still have challenges with feeding and some sensory issues but after her severe developmental delay the fact that she's almost caught up with others her age just blows me away.

Today we spent a lovely day at a soft play centre then a picnic in the park in the glorious sunshine. Bee's Grandma and Uncle Chris came along, as did our lovely friends Clare & Isla. We've had lots of family around to visit and Bee has been spoilt with cards and gifts so thank you to everyone for your thoughtfulness.

Happy 3rd birthday Bethany May.
We love you all the world xx

1 comment:

Mikaela said...

Happy Birthday, gorgeous Bee! You are amazing!