Luckily ours hadn't arrived and we were able to watch it pulling in, with much squealing and flappy arm-waving. Bee helped pay for my ticket (she goes free) and, once I'd parked the pram up, I let her choose the seats. I think she'd used up her store of new-experience confidence for the day and used chose the nearest seats possible to the pram. I helped her on to the seat next to the window and we spent a very enjoyable 10-minute journey home watching people and traffic, counting houses and naming colours of cars. Even though she insists everything is pink.
Since getting the car nearly 3 years ago it's become all too easy to rely on it and not worry about struggling on public transport. As Bee enjoyed her bus ride so much I'm determined we will take more short journeys on a bus. Watch this space!
so cute! Antoni loves buses too.
buses, trucks, tractors, everything that moves:)
Bee is like that - anything big and moving, buses especially! I just wish we could get her as interested in animals! :(
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